
orfix International GmbH
Rottorfer Straße 8
21449 Radbruch

+49 4178 8184 – 0

Security Packaging

orfix · Security Packaging products ensure the safe transport and storage of your products in a wide variety of industries such as: medicine, food, agriculture, aviation and online trade. Assets will be protected from manipulation and reduce the risk of damage and theft. orfix Security Packaging products guarantee the traceability of transport and storage processes. 

Economical, proven and well established

The use of our seals, adhesive and security seals ensures that all types of cardboard boxes and containers are not opened or exchanged without authorization. The content is not changed without prior notice.

orfix Security Packaging products reduce the effort and costs for controls, counting and testing procedures. At the same time, potential criminals could be deterred as their manipulation is detected immediately and they are identified as actors. orfix · Security sealing begins with the secure storage of seals, continues with the assignment and recording of numbers or barcodes and ends with proper documentation.

Basic requirements for the functionality of a security sealing system 

  • Determination of the procedures concerning opening and closing as well as delivery of the boxes and containers 
  • Definition of the responsibility of the forwarder, respectively the warehouse clerk 

We would be pleased to advise you individually!
Your competent partner with a full range for everyone who counts, packs, transports or stores.